General Information

  • In order to promote democratic ideals and notions of citizenship, we dedicate ourselves to organizing the participation of Democratic college students in Indiana. In this mission, we call for full participation of all Indiana students, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical handicap, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.

    Understanding the importance of participation in the Democratic Party to the preservation of our values and beliefs, we Democratic college students, do hereby associate ourselves and adopt this Constitution as the College Democrats of Indiana.

  • The most recent revision of this constitution was completed on 7/24/2024
    The last revision of this constitution was completed on 9/09/2022
    The last revision of this constitution was completed on 5/07/2019
    The last revision of this constitution was completed on 6/01/2018
    The last revision of this constitution was completed on 6/22/2016
    The final revision was voted upon and adopted on 4/18/2015

  • The name of this organization shall be the College Democrats of Indiana; hereafter referred to in this document, and in common usage, as the "CDIN."

  • The CDIN pledges itself to support the Democratic Party, both nationally and locally. The CDIN exist as a state federation, a part of the College Democrats of America – the official youth outreach arm of the Democratic National Committee. Furthermore, the CDIN declares its intention to support all efforts to increase participation of college students in Democratic affairs. To these ends, the CDIN shall educate and train its members so that they may be better able to educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic Party, assist in the election of local, state, and national Democratic candidates, affect political change on the local, state, and national level, assist in chapter building on Indiana college campuses, and assist all member chapters in fundraising.

  • Section 1. Eligibility
    Membership shall be open to any fulltime or part-time student enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in Indiana who wishes to be known as a College Democrat and who has the best interests of the CDIN and the Democratic Party at heart, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical handicap, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. Membership is open to any student who, within a period of six months, has been an undergraduate student or will be a full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate student.

    Section 2. Dues
    Dues may, upon a majority vote by the CDIN executive board, be assessed to each chapter, according to the decision of the CDIN executive board. The payments of these dues fulfill the financial obligations of the Chapter and shall be payable as provided by the bylaws of CDIN. The CDIN executive board shall suggest the amount of such dues. The amount shall become binding when passed by the majority of the CDIN Executive Board.

  • Section 1. State Federation
    The CDIN Executive board will consist of President, Vice President, Political Director, Finance Director, Communications Director, Outreach Director, and Caucus Director.

    Section 2. State Federation Council
    The President of the CDIN Executive Board may commission a State Federation Council. The President may select the CDIN Executive Board member to lead the State Federation Council. The State Federation Council will consist of one representative of each member chapter.

    Section 3. Duties
    The duties of these officers shall be those set out in Article III of the bylaws of CDIN, and other such duties as the bylaws may prescribe.

    Section 4. Elections
    These officers shall be elected according to the bylaws of the CDIN.

  • This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Board. The Executive Officers shall perform a constitutional review on at least a biennial basis.


  • Section 1. Elected Positions.
    These officers are to be elected and these positions filled by a majority vote of the State Federation Executive Board present and voting at an announced meeting scheduled for the purposes of election:
    A. President
    B. Vice President
    C. Political Affairs Director
    D. Finance Director
    E. Communications Director
    F. Outreach Director
    G. Activism Director

    Section 2. Nominations
    The President will call for nominations for elected offices and positions from the membership no sooner than one month prior to the CDIN annual convention. The election will then be in an open session of executive board meeting at convention. There shall be no motion entertained to close the nominations of any elected position.

    Section 3. Order of Elections
    If a nominee loses their election, the individual is automatically eligible to be a nominee for the next office to be considered.
    The order of elections shall be:
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Political Affairs Director
    4. Finance Director
    5. Communications Director
    6. Outreach Director
    G. Activism Director

    Section 4. Voting in Elections
    Each member chapter shall receive one vote for each executive officer position. Each current executive officer excluding the president shall receive one vote for each executive officer position. Individual ballots shall be cast for each officer before votes for the next office are cast.

    Section 5. Vacancy in Office for Executive Officers
    In the event of an emergency, the President will appoint a member to fill a vacant position, subject to a majority confirmation vote of the CDIN Executive Board, until an election is held, unless the vacancy is in the office of President. For these emergency elections, the nominations will be held one regularly scheduled meeting in advance of the meeting at which the elections are to take place.

    Section 6. Absence of the President
    In the case of permanent absence or resignation of the President, the Vice President shall preside until the next meeting when a new President must be elected. In the event of the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Finance Director shall assume the above duties and powers. In the case of multiple absences, the order of elections shall govern which officer assumes the above duties and powers.

    Section 7. Term of Office
    Terms for all elected offices shall last one year. All elected officers shall assume the duties of their office following the conclusion of the convention and shall remain in their office until: successors are elected; or the officer(s) resign(s).

  • Section 1. Budget
    The Finance Director, with the advice of all members of the executive board will be responsible to draft a quarterly budget, detailing fundraising goals, expenditures, and savings. This budget will be adopted by a vote of the executive board or discharged to the State Federation Council by a 2/3 vote of the Council for review.

    Section 2. Reimbursement
    The Finance Director will be responsible for reimbursing any CDIN member who presents an appropriate expense. The reimbursement must be preapproved or approved by a majority of the executive board.

    Section 3. Dues
    Upon vote of the State Federation Council, CDIN may levy dues upon member chapters. The amount of the dues will be recommended by the Finance Director, and ratified by the State Federation Council.

    A Financial Statements: Statements will be prepared and distributed to the member chapters within two weeks of the decision to levy dues. The statements will detail past action, the amount of the new dues and the method of collection.
    B Method of Payment: Payment should be made payable to The College Democrats of Indiana, as per the policies of the CDIN
    C Rebates: A chapter that withdraws from the State Federation will be entitled to a pro-rated rebate on their dues. When a chapter becomes defunct it will receive no rebate.
    D Penalties: A chapter that becomes delinquent in their dues shall be denied a vote in any action of the State Federation Council.

  • Section 1. Duties of the President

    The President shall:
    A. Attend and preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the State Federation Council.
    B. Be responsible, along with the Executive Board, for determining the goals and direction, and ensuring the stability, success, welfare and integrity of the CDIN.
    C. Appoint any ex-officio, non-voting members for the Executive Board as prescribed by these bylaws.
    D. Approve any official CDIN public communications.
    E. Serve as member of College Democrats of America National Council
    F. Make the decision to disaffiliate with any organization as necessary
    G. Sit on the Indiana Democratic Party State Central Committee as a voting member 
    H. Be registered to vote in Indiana in order to sit on the Indiana Democratic Party State Central Committee (SCC) as a voting member. It is up to the discretion of the two voting members to decide how to split the SCC vote. 

    Section 2. Duties of the Vice President
    A. Attend and preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the State Federation Council in the absence of the President
    B. Be responsible for determining the goals and direction of the College Democrats of Indiana (along with the Executive Board)
    C. Be a direct contact for all concerns of the State Federation Council
    D. Act as President in case of temporary absence in accordance to these bylaws
    E. Be registered to vote in Indiana in order to sit on the Indiana Democratic Party State Central Committee (SCC) as a voting member. It is up to the discretion of the two voting members to decide how to split the SCC vote. 

    Section 3. Duties of the Political Affairs Director
    The Political Director shall:
    A. Attend Executive Board meetings.
    B. Be responsible for coordination with outside campaigns
    C. Be responsible for the drafting of position papers on issues relevant to college students in Indiana.

    Section 4. Duties of the Finance Director
    The Finance Director shall:
    A. Attend Executive Board meetings.
    B. Work with groups and individuals to raise funds for the activities of CDIN.
    C. Assess and collect dues when the State Federation Council decrees.
    D. Be the primary disbursement source for the activities of CDIN.
    E. Keep any and all funds the CDIN accrues in a secure account and provide accounting to the State federation Council on a quarterly basis.

    Section 5. Duties of the Communications Director
    The Communication Director shall:
    A. Attend Executive Board meetings.
    B. Act as a liaison to preserve active communication between CDIN's member chapters and with the media.

    Section 6. Duties of the Outreach Director
    The Membership Director shall:
    A. Attend Executive Board meetings
    B. Assist the recruitment and expansion of current chapters of CDIN.
    C. Assist and promote in the establishment of chapters in non-member schools
    D. Be responsible for the implementation of the membership goals of the CDIN as set by the Executive Board.

    Section 7. Duties of the Activism Director
    The Activism Director shall:
    A.Attend Executive Board meetings
    B.Be responsible for coordination with progressive organizations that stand with democratic values
    C.Be the contact person for political requests from allied groups or individuals.

    Section 8. Duties of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Director
    The Diversity Equity and Inclusion Director shall:
    A. Attend Executive Board meetings
    B. Create and maintain a diversity council
            a. Conduct meetings regularly
            b. Maintain a council of at least five members
    C. Ensure the creation of a diverse and inclusive environment for all
    D. Adhere to the principles of egalitarianism and universal design
    E. Ensure that CDIN better represents its diverse and multidimensional membership base

  • Section 1. Method of Amendment
    These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the CDIN executive board taken at a regular meeting of CDIN. In the event of a 3-3 tie, the CDIN President may make an overriding decision. Any amendment must be presented to the Executive Board as such.

    Section 2. Special Procedures
    If a situation arises that is not expressly dealt with in this document, the Executive Board shall have the authority to take any necessary and proper action they deems to be in the best interest of the CDIN.

    Section 3. Previous Versions
    These bylaws and policies, together with the constitution, amends, supersedes, and revokes all previous laws of The College Democrats of Indiana, and together with the Constitution of the College Democrats of America, and such rules as the CDIN may recognize as binding, forms the instrument of government of this chapter.